Clergy Connect

Clergy Connect & Sisters Connect at the C3 Tech Conference!

July 17, 2016 - ADLA

The Catholic Communication Collaboration Technology Conference 2016 (C3TC2016) features over 100 workshops that provide high-quality professional learning and collaboration opportunities in using technology to enhance your ministries. This year’s event will be held at Loyola Marymount University from August 8th-10th, 2016. The conference is open to all employees and adult volunteers of parishes, schools, and administrative offices within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

Participants of Clergy Connect and Sister’s Connect are getting a special day just for them! On Monday August there will be customized training on devices, preloaded apps, and more technology tips & tricks. There are two separate tracks, one for Apple users and one for Android (Samsung) users, each of which has been customized for the Clergy Connect and Sisters Connect programs.  If you’ve already registered, take a look at the workshop schedule for each track and corresponding classroom numbers.  Please be sure to bring your ADLA-issued device(s) to the training!

Sprint and Archdiocesan personnel will be on site to answer any questions or to help you with any issues you are having with a device.

ACC Resources



Grovo iPhone, iPad and Platform Flexibility lessons provide online training on how to use the many features of the new devices provided through Clergy and Sisters Connect programs and beyond. If you would like to access this online training for your new device or for any of the thousands of topics offered in the Grovo library, contact Elizabeth Orozco at [email protected] and be sure to include the type of device or training you would like to begin. She will get you enrolled and send instructions on how to get started.


Vicar for Clergy




Coming soon!


Coming soon!


Coming soon!